Nation’s first forest fire tower built in Maine

OK, I have a special reason to like today’s trivia question. Two of them, actually.

When I was a kid there was a Disney TV movie, “Fire on Kelly Mountain” (1973), in which Larry Wilcox played a young guy who works in a forest fire lookout tower, becomes bored, and ends up fighting a lightning strike.

And because I ended up being a wildland firefighter for three summers while attending college in Chico, California.

Where was the country’s first forest fire lookout tower built?


In 1905, on Squaw Mountain, since renamed Big Moose Mountain.

Big Moose Mountain is in Piscataquis County, Maine, by the way. It’s near Moosehead Lake.

One response to “Nation’s first forest fire tower built in Maine

  1. Hiking up Big and Little Moose Mountains are favorite activities for many guests visiting the area. Seeing the first fire tower in the US is a draw to the area. We have a book listing all the numerous hikes in the area. The B-52 bomber crash site from 1963 is very popular too.

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